Steve- A very interesting and evocative piece. Though my favorite is still this sentence her: "sandpapered baritone singing about a “Lil’ white bull." Of all the things I'd imagine myself reading today, words like 'sandpapered' and 'baritone' are definitely not what I'd expect. Let alone the two together, followed by lil' white bull. You've made me believe in serendipity again this week. Great writing, Steve.
That is a wonderful idea Thalia but it no longer exists. In some other universe my mother tucked it away for safe keeping and presented it to me at my first book launch.
Steve- A very interesting and evocative piece. Though my favorite is still this sentence her: "sandpapered baritone singing about a “Lil’ white bull." Of all the things I'd imagine myself reading today, words like 'sandpapered' and 'baritone' are definitely not what I'd expect. Let alone the two together, followed by lil' white bull. You've made me believe in serendipity again this week. Great writing, Steve.
That is a wonderful idea Thalia but it no longer exists. In some other universe my mother tucked it away for safe keeping and presented it to me at my first book launch.
Let’s hope that universe exists, and that we can thank your dear mother for it!
Yes I have. I have a very early memory of writing a story around Christmas time when there was lots of snow outside
Oh! I bet that was a magical piece. Do you still have that original piece? It would be amazing to revisit it all these years later, Steve.
Thalia thank you so much. I really appreciate your close attention to word choice and I am delighted you found this worked.
Word choice is everything, Steve. Have you always written since you were a kid? 🙏